Thursday, July 15, 2010

Zack and his little ladies....

This morning it struck me that we have a three children: Maddy, Kate, and of course Zack. All three were waiting patiently at and around the kitchen table for breakfast while mommy made her cup of coffee. And yes it was the perfect photo opportunity but it was early and you have to charge the camera batteries sometime....

As we traded in the Pathfinder last week I was reminded of the day we drove to Bellville, Texas to pick up Zack. We were young naive newlyweds that thought raising a Labrador in a one bedroom apartment was a good idea. Well we should have known better. Not even 10 minutes into the drive back to Houston he tried to jump out of the car and about 2 months later we got a note on our apartment door that said we had to move because Zack exceeded the 25lb weight limit for dogs (we were really shocked because all of the office staff loved him). Eight years have gone by and Zack is still our baby even though he sheds a lot and is sometimes stinky.

Zack is the perfect dog for our family. He's protective and loving all at the same time. He lets Maddy and Kate sit, roll, and tug all over him and never gets mad. He may get grumpy but even then he politely gets up and goes upstairs to our bed. Zack doesn't ask for much just a walk or swim every day and to sleep in our bed. Which of course we let him, no kids in our bed because Zack sleeps in the middle. Always has, always will. He's a good dog and I can't imagine our family without him.
By the way, no more blog entries until next week. I am leaving tomorrow for a fun weekend at Market in Atlanta. My babies are staying home and being watched by Daddy, Poppi, and even Uncle Fireman Ben. Please pray for a safe and fun weekend for all. I'll let you know how the guys did next week....

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