David tells a story about how when he was a teenager he really wanted a pair of Bass brand "Buck" shoes. They were pretty popular with the preppy crowd in the early 90's. I am not exactly sure how it all went down but David's mom (Mimi) thought she was doing something really nice for David and bought him a pair of Saddlebred "Buck" shoes, the off brand that look exactly the same! Well let's just say that it didn't go over so well with David. He HAD TO HAVE the Bass ones. I am not sure if he got the Bass ones or not but I tell you this because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....
I took Maddy shoe shopping today. We went to two places and saw lots of cute shoes at reasonable prices. I even found a pair of off brand Skecher Twinkle Toes, the shoes Maddy talked about a week or so ago. I found her size, she tried them on, was all excited to get them and then another lady shopping with her little girl was looking at the real Skechers. Up until that point Maddy had not noticed the real Skechers. Well when she saw that little girl try them on she went nuts. "Mommy, I found Skechers, look we have to get these, they are more stylish."
I tried to reason with her, I tried the "we're not going to get anything if that's the way you are going to act" routine, and the old "look we can get 2 pairs of shoes for the price of one" routine. Nothing worked and we ended up walking out of the store with these.....
Really stylish shoes! -- Maddy you have very good taste!
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