When placed in a standing position you love to stand. In fact there are times we think you are just going to stand up and start walking. We had to lower your crib mattress this month and also put baby gates at the stairs. You are mobile now and there is no stopping you.
This month you visited Washington DC, went junkin' with Mommy, and went to Athens for the first time. In fact we took this picture of you on Herty Field near the fountain on campus. It was fun to walk around campus with you and Maddy. Daddy and I daydreamed what it would be like if you or Maddy (or both) went to UGA. You can go anywhere you like but you will always be a "Dawg" at heart. Can't wait to see wait your future holds.
Ahh...sweet,sweet baby girl! She wears these colors as beautifully as her sister! Hope you guys had fun visiting the old campus!