From what I could see she was definitely dressed appropriately, she's in a class with all girls so there were a lot of dresses, hair bows, and Skechers. I was really proud of her when we dropped her off, she walked right into the classroom went to the cubbies, recognized her name and hung her book bag up. Then she looked at us said "bye bye" and went over to the table and started playing. So we left....
There isn't much else to report, when I picked Maddy up and asked her how her day was she said "I'll talk about it tomorrow, I am tired." Her teacher, Ms. Jennifer, said she did great but I think Maddy was overwhelmed. Once we got home she opened up and said she had a lot of fun. She played "mommy" and "kitchen", had circle time, sang, and played with glue sticks. All in all, I think she had a great first day and I think everyone in the house will have a good nap this afternoon.
Mimi and Poppi are very proud of you Maddy -- such a beautiful little girl with a pleasant smile. Glad you had such a good first day!