Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday Drive to Athens

Sunday was such a nice day that David and I decided to get out of the house and drive over to Athens to show the girls UGA. Neither one of us had really visited in about 8 years (other than a quick drive thru on a trip back to NC). It was a lot of fun. We visited all of our old apartments, dormitories, walked around the old part of campus, and thought we would recreate one of our favorite dates but we were sad to find that the restaurant had closed down.

We snapped a couple of pictures and compiled them into a slideshow. I realized when we got home we should have walked around a little more to get some pictures of the stadium and other places but I think we did good to get what we got with two small children. As Maddy said this morning "Mommy I had fun visiting your cottage yesterday, we go back tomorrow?" So we'll definitely be going back soon, maybe even for a game this year....

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kate - 8 months old

To Kate: seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital waiting for a doctor, any doctor to tell us it was time to deliver you. Well time flies and 8 months later here we are. You are such a sweet baby, we rarely hear you cry. You love to laugh, mainly at your big sister and dog. This month you started scooting around the house, finding Zack's water and food bowls, drinking from a sippy cup, and exploring lots of different foods. Your favorites are green beans, raspberry yogurt, and cereal puffs.

When placed in a standing position you love to stand. In fact there are times we think you are just going to stand up and start walking. We had to lower your crib mattress this month and also put baby gates at the stairs. You are mobile now and there is no stopping you.

This month you visited Washington DC, went junkin' with Mommy, and went to Athens for the first time. In fact we took this picture of you on Herty Field near the fountain on campus. It was fun to walk around campus with you and Maddy. Daddy and I daydreamed what it would be like if you or Maddy (or both) went to UGA. You can go anywhere you like but you will always be a "Dawg" at heart. Can't wait to see wait your future holds.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Junkin' with Kate

Today Kate and I went Junkin' after we dropped Maddy off at school. This was Kate's first time Junkin' and she did great. We hit the Salvation Army and the Goodwill. Kate didn't find anything at the Salvation Army but Mommy found a great chair, a vanity bench (for Maddy's bedroom), and some other small goodies. At the Goodwill Kate made her first purchase She got a basically brand new "infant activity table" for $8!!! I was so proud of her, those things are usually around $35 - $40... We brought it home, washed it down with Clorox and water and she was playing in no time. I think this might encourage her to start pulling up, not that I am in a hurry for her to walk. :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Do our babies look like this?

Okay, so I am copying this idea from another blog I follow but I thought it was so funny that I had to share it here. A website called The Bump as an application that morphs mom and dad's photos together to give you idea of what your baby will look like. Apparently this is what Maddy and Kate should look like. First of all, I don't even own a denim bandanna and secondly, have you seen Kate's eyes? They are huge, this baby has small eyes... Oh well, at least I was entertained during nap time.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kate, the Sippy Cup, and Zack

Anyone who has had the pleasure of recently feeding Kate knows that she won't hold her own bottle and that she would rather sit up and drink than be held and rocked (except at night when she's sleepy). She so badly wants to be a big girl like her sister but she just doesn't know how. I had tried a traditional sippy cup a few weeks ago and she just chewed on it and threw it down, repeatedly. So yesterday I bought her one with a straw (Maddy loved these) and Kate immediately picked it up and started drinking. As Maddy said "good job Kate, you did it, you're a big girl now."

Last night we noticed that Zack hangs around Kate's high chair more than before. We realized this is because Kate throws (or drops) cereal treats on the floor to him. Just like someone else we knew about three years ago.....

Guess you really can't teach a dog or a baby new tricks....

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Today is the day...the day I have been waiting for since we moved in March...the first day of school!!!! Yea! Don't get me wrong I love being a stay at home mom, but preschool is the best thing for both Maddy and I. Macon finally feels like home, we have a routine, Maddy will make friends and I'll make friends (going to breakfast Wednesday with some other moms in the class). Enough about me I know everyone wants to know all about Maddy's first day of 3K.

From what I could see she was definitely dressed appropriately, she's in a class with all girls so there were a lot of dresses, hair bows, and Skechers. I was really proud of her when we dropped her off, she walked right into the classroom went to the cubbies, recognized her name and hung her book bag up. Then she looked at us said "bye bye" and went over to the table and started playing. So we left....

There isn't much else to report, when I picked Maddy up and asked her how her day was she said "I'll talk about it tomorrow, I am tired." Her teacher, Ms. Jennifer, said she did great but I think Maddy was overwhelmed. Once we got home she opened up and said she had a lot of fun. She played "mommy" and "kitchen", had circle time, sang, and played with glue sticks. All in all, I think she had a great first day and I think everyone in the house will have a good nap this afternoon.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Waiting for Daddy

Zack and Maddy napping on couch waiting for Daddy to come home. So sweet!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweating to the oldies....otherwise known as antiquing in the heat!

One the best things about our move to Macon is that we get to have lunch and go antiquing with Mimi (Marge) a lot more and it doesn't require an 8 hour drive. :-) Today was one of those days. We had a leisurely lunch at Zaxby's (Maddy's recommendation, that girl loves her some chicken) and then we decided to walk through Payne City Antiques mainly because I had never been. Let me just tell you it was HOT and because it's an converted old warehouse/mill there was no air condition, just random box fans placed throughout the mall. We were barely down the first aisle when we questioned whether or not we could continue in the heat. But we decided we could suffer for the sake of creativity and the booth's! Well I think it was worth all the sweat because we found a few treasures and came up with a few new ideas.... Here's a couple of pictures.

Only UGA fans can appreciate this......

Maddy's find: a $1 Santa Snow globe

Kate didn't find anything but she did sweat and her hair was sticking up when we got home.

Thanks Mimi for a fun day! Now I am jumping in my pool. :-)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Skecher Update

David tells a story about how when he was a teenager he really wanted a pair of Bass brand "Buck" shoes. They were pretty popular with the preppy crowd in the early 90's. I am not exactly sure how it all went down but David's mom (Mimi) thought she was doing something really nice for David and bought him a pair of Saddlebred "Buck" shoes, the off brand that look exactly the same! Well let's just say that it didn't go over so well with David. He HAD TO HAVE the Bass ones. I am not sure if he got the Bass ones or not but I tell you this because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

I took Maddy shoe shopping today. We went to two places and saw lots of cute shoes at reasonable prices. I even found a pair of off brand Skecher Twinkle Toes, the shoes Maddy talked about a week or so ago. I found her size, she tried them on, was all excited to get them and then another lady shopping with her little girl was looking at the real Skechers. Up until that point Maddy had not noticed the real Skechers. Well when she saw that little girl try them on she went nuts. "Mommy, I found Skechers, look we have to get these, they are more stylish."

I tried to reason with her, I tried the "we're not going to get anything if that's the way you are going to act" routine, and the old "look we can get 2 pairs of shoes for the price of one" routine. Nothing worked and we ended up walking out of the store with these.....
Before you judge my parenting skills let me tell you this. During our negotiations I did not see the sale sign that said 50%off plus buy one get one 1/2 off. The lovely sales lady pointed it out as I was gathering up our stuff to leave without shoes. So in the end Maddy and I both got what we wanted. She got her Skechers and a sensible pair of brown Mary Jane's for fall, and I got a deal. Not to mention the Skechers really are cuter than the off brand ones and I am hoping they are still in style 3 years from now when Kate needs Skechers.

Friday, August 13, 2010

This is why I don't get anything done......

I had grand plans of working on the playroom today and making a trip to Wal-Mart before lunch. But instead these adorable monkey's decided to put on a show for me. I am sure it was all Maddy's idea. These days Kate's idea of fun is chewing on anything and everything in sight. The show was spectacular. I particularly enjoyed the costume's Maddy picked out for herself and Kate. And the best song was about a cowboy!?!? By the end of the show Kate was exhausted and just rolled over to nap. So much for my plans today, but I am not complaining. I realize how blessed I am to wake up every morning and watch my girls play. :-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Not sure what inspired me to finally work on the girl's playroom (maybe it was the 100's of blogs I've read and envied) but today the girl's and I started on a couple of projects to finally pull the playroom together.

Maddy helped me paint wood letters, stars, and clothespins, for what will hopefully become a clothesline for Maddy and Kate to hang art work on. Maddy did really well but has decided she doesn't like to get "dirty". After getting paint on her hands she immediately washed her hands. I also discovered that she doesn't like to eat Oreo's for the same "dirty" reason. She doesn't like the black crumbs Oreo's leave on her mouth. I have no idea where she gets that from. I will gladly sacrifice a dirty mouth for an Oreo, or two. Hopefully she will come to her senses before someone in the school lunchroom makes fun of her.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My afternoon entertainment

Not much to blog about lately...unless you want to hear the dirty details of Maddy's Kroger meltdown. It was a good one but I'll spare you the details and instead share this with you...

Kate entertained me all afternoon crawling after Zack's leash. I would put down toys, books, any and everything, but all she would crawl to was his leash. Silly baby. Don't worry Grandmas and germ-o-phobes (sp?) I got it out of her mouth quickly!

Update: For those of you wondering how Maddy's "wedding" went. Well Jack was at Sunday school yesterday. They didn't get married, but he did have a tie on. Maddy talked the whole way home about Jack. She also pretended that a ring she received in a birthday party goody bag was given to her by Jack. Maddy's father and I can assure you that no guy as given our Maddy a ring yet.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today we went to lunch with my friend and college roommate Holly. As we sat down to lunch Maddy sat next to "Mommy Holly", not sure where she came up with that but it was cute, Holly asked Maddy if she was ready for school. Maddy started talking all about school and getting ready for it. She talked about her new book bag, and making new friends, etc. Holly asked "are you going to get new clothes?" Maddy said "I don't know, but I need some Skechers and new dress shoes". We both looked at her and said "Skechers?, what are Skechers Maddy?" Maddy says to us with that all to familiar attitude of hers: "Well duh, they are shoes and they are stylish."

At three years old Maddy knows all about Skechers, how on earth does she know about Skechers?! It's not like I have a closet full of them. I am pretty sure she doesn't watch TV channels that advertise Skechers. So on the way home I asked her. Again with that familiar attitude she responds "I saw them in the sports store with Nana."

We did go to a sporting goods store while in DC and we did walk through the shoes but I never pointed out Skechers and I am pretty sure Nana didn't point out the Skechers so the only conclusion I can draw is that Maddy is a genius and can read at age 3....

Either that or somewhere in the last week a Skechers TV ad slipped by us. But for now I am sticking with reading prodigy. :-)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Washington DC - July 2010

Ok, so I gave up on doing laundry and cleaning house today. I was eager to get my pictures off the camera and play with them. I put together this little slideshow of pictures from our trip. Enjoy!

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We're back.....

We made it back to Macon last night around 7:30pm. It was a long day of driving (seemed even longer than the drive up) but the girls are really great travelers. I challenge anyone to find better car riders than my Maddy and Kate. Did I mention that we made the trip without a DVD player... I am sure some of you are thinking that's crazy. But it works for us. Maddy loves to talk, read, and sing on car trips and for a 3 year old she can carry on a conversation pretty well, better than some adults I know.

I know you are dying for pictures and details of our trip but today is "catch up day", too much laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping to do. I'll post pics later today or tomorrow.