Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A lack of creativity...with a pinch of Cheeto dust and a girl with a tan!

I've recently taken some cute pictures of the girls but I've had a hard time sitting down to write a full blog post to go with them. Not sure why that is... I keep telling myself it's because I normally blog/write when Maddy is at school, now it's summer and she's home. I also keep telling myself it's because Kate is transitioning from baby who naps multiple times a day to a "one nap a day" toddler.

Both are valid reasons, but if I am honest with myself (and you) it's because I am in a creative rut... In other words, I am not feeling so creative right now. I've been "beating" myself up about it for a few weeks now, trying to fight it but I realized today that I need to stop fighting it. I need to stop worrying about it and just enjoy this time. I have no doubt that one day (soon) I'll wake up and my "mojo" will have returned and once again I'll feel compelled to blog/write lots (probably more than you'll care to read) but for now I am not going to force it... I am going to enjoy the summer, enjoy my girls, and blog/write when I feel like it.

But what about the pictures I mentioned earlier?!?

Do you honestly think I wouldn't share them... I know most of you are only interested in pictures.
I don't blame you, they are pretty cute. :-)

 Zack and Kate are sharing an afternoon snack of Cheetos.
Look how sweet and patient Zack is being. He's such a sweet dog.
And notice how the "cheeto dust" around Kate's mouth accentuates her red hair.

On the last night of swimming I took my good camera to snap pictures of Maddy jumping off the diving board. Unfortunately this is the only picture I took. Right after this picture a thunderstorm rolled in and class was canceled. Typical summer weather for middle Georgia....

And look how tan Maddy is! Who knew my girl could get a tan.
She certainly didn't inherit that from my side of the family...

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