Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Go "Bluedogs"

Jessica and Holly
 My best friend from high school and freshman roommate at UGA, Holly, has been inviting us to games and tailgating since we moved back to Georgia but for one reason or another we didn't go. Well the stars finally aligned and we went to the October 1st game against Mississippi State.

The boys (aka the Husbands) left Macon at 5am to set up the tailgate. You have to be either crazy or dedicated to UGA football to get up that early on a Saturday. I am not either one of those things so Holly and I drove up later with her son Braxton and Maddy.

Everyone had a blast that day. In fact David had so much fun I may never see him again on football Saturdays. I think he's hooked on football and tailgating. :-) Maddy and Braxton played all day long and were so good. I thought for sure they would sleep on the way home but they didn't sleep a wink. In fact they spent most of the car ride giggling over an Oriental Trading catalog. Who knew a catalog could be so funny?

The funniest part of the day was Maddy calling the "Bulldogs" the "Bluedogs"... During the game she kept yelling "go Bluedogs." So she's going to have to fix that before we can take her to another game. Ha!
Maddy and Braxton with a "Bluedog"
Click on picture below for more football pictures.

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