Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Fun

This past weekend we had the honor of being guests at the Bedford's lake house in Alabama.  Carolyn and Bart truly spoiled us with a beautiful house, fabulous boat, yummy food, and a lot of laughter.  We haven't seen each other since late September but everyone picked up right where they left off. Those are the kind of friends we treasure... the kind that don't have to talk every day but when we are together it's like we see them everyday. This blog doesn't do justice to how much we love the Bedford family and are grateful for their hospitality. All I can say is..."can we come back next weekend?"

Of course I took a ton of pictures, click on the link below to see more.
Picasa Web Album

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bikes, Bubbles, and Baby Dolls

On Wednesday afternoon the girls and I spent some time outside playing.
Things were great at first. Kate was playing with her doll.
Maddy was playing "school".

Maddy very nicely came over to help Kate put the doll on the bike,
 so Kate could take the doll for a ride.

Still being sweet, Maddy picked up the doll and acted 
like she was going to give Kate the doll.

But then all of the sudden Maddy does this.....
 Rips the doll right out of Kate's hands. 
Maddy claims she was just prentending to be "the bad witch"
because they were playing princess...

I didn't believe her and we had
a "dicussion" on sharing and making up "stories"..
Yet somehow she still ended up with the doll and bubbles...

 She outsmarted me, must be the "lawyer" in her.
 But I couldn't stay mad for long because Kate got into the bubbles...

And while Maddy was distracted with bubbles

 Kate figured out how to snatch her doll back from the "bad witch"......

 Eventually the princess and the "bad witch" made up and decided to share.
That's Maddy's face while she was saying "I guess we can share Kate"

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Maddy's First Trip to Turner Field

Maddy with her certificate for 1st visit to Turner Field
At the last minute yesterday we decided to take Maddy to a Braves game in Atlanta. She and David have been talking about baseball, listening to it, and even playing baseball in our backyard so she was super excited to go to a real game. Although it kinda got awkward in the car when she asked if Joe DiMaggio would be there.... So on the way up to Atlanta we had the "talk" about death.... Oh, the things that go through a 4 year olds mind....

Maddy loved every minute of the night. I think she mainly liked getting all the attention. Kate was on "vacation" with Mimi and Poppi for the night. According to Maddy any night not spent at home is considered a vacation. Wonder how long we can convince her of that?!?

All in all it was a fun night. The Braves won, we ate some good ball park food, Maddy learned how do the "Tomahawk Chop", and Kate went on vacation. :-)

It's May 16th and we're all wearing coats in Georgia. Crazy!

Learning to do the "Chop"

Click here for more baseball pictures

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Tank U"

Toddler multitasking - driving, honking the horn, and drinking juice.
Even though Kate's fever broke, rash disappeared, and her appetite came back by Wednesday she has been kinda fussy and difficult the past few days. I was beginning to worry that the terrible two's were starting 7 months early, but I am happy to say that today Kate was back to her "old-self." Smiling, playful, sweet Kate.

In fact Kate started a new game today. She takes her sippy cup (or anything else), brings it to us and says "tanku", that's "thank you" in toddler speak. Then she walks away, turns around, comes back for it, and says "tanku" for giving it back to her. This adorable sequence goes on until she gets bored or runs out of juice.

To some, it may not seem like a big deal but to me, the worried mom, it was a sign that my baby Kate is okay and back to normal.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I've been meaning to blog about Mother's Day but I've (we've) been a little distracted the past few days with a very sick Kate. Seems like I just blogged about her being sick but she caught something else this past weekend. It started on Friday with a fever, runny nose, and cough. Pediatrician said it's viral, it should pass quickly.... Well by Sunday Kate was still running a fever (despite Motrin and Tylenol) and now had diarrhea and was extremely lethargic. I've never seen her so sick, or Maddy for that matter.

It just broke my heart to watch Kate take her lovey, use it as a pillow, and lay on the floor, crying. The scary part came Monday morning when she wouldn't eat or drink and had not had a wet diaper. And if you remember back to October when she spiked a fever and had a seizure you can imagine how nervous I was about her running a fever for three days in a row. So I admit, I kinda had a meltdown on Monday morning. I felt helpless and so out of control, there was nothing I could do to make Kate feel better. David could see I was struggling so he took off work to help out and support. Which was wonderful.

Back to the pediatrician Kate and I went. Pediatrician confirmed it's still viral, we have to wait it out and watch closely for dehydration. He prescribed some nausea medication in hopes that it would settle Kate's tummy enough to get her to drink. If she didn't have 3 wet diapers by Tuesday morning we would bring her back for IV fluids. After that visit I felt a little better, at least we had a plan (I do better with a plan).

We gave Kate the medicine, rocked her, and within 30 minutes of taking the medicine she reached for her sippy cup and took a few sips of juice! Praise the Lord!  Now we just needed her to wet her diaper. Mimi and Poppi graciously invited Maddy for a sleepover just in case we ended up going back to the doctor for IV fluids. Luckily we never did have to take Kate. By Monday evening she had eaten a banana, some applesauce, and drank a whole sippy cup. She slept through the night and woke up this morning with a huge wet diaper. I've never been so happy to see a dirty diaper. :-)

Kate's fever finally broke this morning. As her fever broke a rash appeared on her tummy and back.... After Google and a call to the pediatrician we finally determined Kate has Roseola. I'll let you do your own Google research but basically Roseola is a virus that babies up to 2 years old can get. It starts out with cold like symptoms, fever for days, sometimes diarrhea, fussiness, and just as the fever breaks the baby develops a rash.  The good news is that she's not contagious anymore and within a day or two Kate should be back to normal.

OK, now I can blog about one of my Mother's Day gifts.....

On Friday, Maddy's preschool held a Mother's Day Tea. It was so cute. The kids sang 3 songs for Mom, each class made gifts for mom, and we enjoyed tea sandwiches and treats together. In Maddy's class, the teachers interviewed each child about their Mom. In the picture above you can see Maddy's answers. This summer we are going to work on her concept of "age"..... :-)

And I love Maddy's painting of me on tile. When she gave it to me, Maddy said "I am so sorry I didn't know how to draw your nose, it shouldn't look like a circle but I did make your eyes blue." How sweet is that?  It's one of the best gifts I've gotten on Mother's Day (besides furniture for by the pool, thanks David).  I am one blessed Mom...


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Touch a Truck

This morning we took Maddy and Kate to the Junior League's Touch a Truck event. They had all sorts of big vehicles like a dump truck, fire truck, ambulance, boat, semi truck, and even a helicopter. Kids (and dads too) could climb, explore, and even honk horns (which made for a loud morning). Maddy enjoyed some of it but when she honked the horn of a big concrete mixer she got scared and it took her awhile to recover. What was amazing is that Kate didn't seem to even notice the big horns.

Of course the highlight of the morning was the "bouncy house" and the little train ride around the parking lot. We all enjoyed Nu-Way hot dogs for lunch before heading home (just don't tell my other blog about that, ha). It was a fun way to spend Saturday morning together as a family and we can pretty much rule out that Maddy won't be driving a big concrete truck when she grows up..... :-)  
Maddy on an ambulance.

My girl is always striking a pose.

Daddy and Maddy

The coolest thing out there. We even heard it fly by our house this morning.

Foreman Kate

Maddy and classmate Lia walking with Kate

"Look that's the truck our presents ride on"

Running inside the UPS truck.

The gang on the back of a boat.

For more pictures click below....
Touch a Truck Web Album

Friday, May 6, 2011

Flashback Friday goes to the Fair - May 6, 2011

 For this week's "Flashback Friday" I am sharing a picture of Maddy and David at the 2009 Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem, NC. 

Now fast forward...to yesterday, May 5, 2011. Here's big girl Maddy riding the Merry-go-Round all by herself at the GA State Fair in Macon.

The fair is in Macon this week. It's a smaller fair compared to the GA National Fair, but it's perfect for little kids. My friend and I took the kids yesterday afternoon and they had a ball. Here are some pictures from Maddy and Braxton's visit to the fair.  Kate was their too but she watched the big kids, next year she'll be able to play too. :-)

Monday, May 2, 2011

We're going to need a lot of sunscreen!

We went swimming yesterday. It's the first time we've been in the pool since last fall. The weather has been warm during the day and our pool man said the water was about 80 degrees and ready for swimming. Well he was wrong... It was cold and not just "this is going to take a minute to adjust to cold" but COLD!

You know who didn't care that it was freezing?  Maddy. That girl is crazy. She swam for hours yesterday. She kept telling me she needed to get ready for her swimming lessons, which started today. After all that swimming yesterday and her lesson today (in a heated pool) she still wants to swim at home this afternoon. I can already tell it's going to a long summer by the pool.... Just hope Kate likes swimming as much as Maddy does.