Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mulberry Street Market

Mulberry Street Market opened this afternoon in downtown Macon and we went. For local readers,  Mulberry Street Market is a producers only curbside farmer's market that will be held every Wednesday afternoon from 4:30-7:00pm on Mulberry Street in Macon.  For those of you wondering "producer only market" means that the only vendors at the market will be local farmers who grow their food versus vendors that are "wholesale produce distributors". Meaning you can guarantee that what you are buying was grown locally.

I've been excited about this farmer's market for awhile now. I like the idea of eating locally and more organic but to be honest, it's hard to do while staying on budget and when you don't have local access to stores like Whole Foods. But it's something we are working on as a family and I hope to share more about it on the blog. 

Today's visit was an exploratory visit just to see what's available. The market is conveniently located across from David's office so he was able to take a break and come with us. For our first visit I think we did pretty good. We were able to get local cage free eggs, spinach, romaine lettuce, strawberries, local honey, and grass fed pork sausage (for David). All in all it was a good visit to the market.

As we left Kate needed a snack so we let her try some strawberries. She still doesn't understand the concept of taking "bites", instead she puts the whole thing in her mouth....

And here's what happens when she puts the whole thing in her mouth....

She cries...because we have to pull it out of her mouth before she chokes.
Poor baby. :-)

1 comment:

  1. don't worry kate,i get that same look on my face when someone takes the strawberry out of my mouth!

    luv u :-)
    aunt pam
