Thursday, February 16, 2012


I finally took the plunge and joined Pinterest. I was reluctant to join because deep down I knew I really didn't need anything else to distract me during the day. Especially since last week our small group at church had a discussion on time management and priorities. But I joined anyways and promised myself I would use my time wisely and so far I have. In fact I think it has actually helped me cut down on Facebook "stalking" (which is a really good thing). Pinterest makes me happy and really got my creative juices flowing again...but at the same time also makes me feel like a slacker and not very creative at all.

Those of you who are on Pinterest know what I am talking about. I mean who are these people that have soooo much time to sit and think to themselves "Hmm, I should put vinyl decals on my washer and dryer to make it look pretty? (Sorry Tiffany, you know I love you and your polka dotted washer and dryer!)

Anyways, I am grateful for all the inspiring ideas and informative blogs I have found already. In fact this picture below is an idea I got from Pinterest. Now I just have to find time to take new pictures of Maddy and work on her 5 year old one.... Arghh, time management and creativity are a vicious cycle! :-)