Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of fun and family. I could sit down and write a long post with all the details but now I have to switch gears for Kate's birthday coming up on Wednesday so here are some of the highlights....
1. Christmas Eve morning - the girls and I baked cookies for Santa. Don't worry, no one else but Santa and the girls ate these cookies after I caught them licking the batter spoons and bowls...

2. Christmas Eve night - with everyones different work schedules it's a rare occurrence that the Bury - Johnson crew is all together, so of course we had to take a picture.

 3. Mimi and Poppi got Maddy a "big girl" bike. She was so excited and is already zooming around our house on it.

 4. Christmas morning - an impromptu family photo after all the chaos. Can you tell that Santa and his helper were up until 2am building a dollhouse?

5. Zack and David relaxing after all the chaos.  

6. My latest baking experiment, Vegan Red Velvet cupcakes! I am willing to bet no one could even taste the difference between these and non-vegan red velvet. Keep in mind that just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's sugar free.... Ha!

There you have it, a quick rundown on our family Christmas. Check out the web album below for more pictures.
Christmas Web Album

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Character Breakfast 2011

Kate, Maddy, and Braxton with Santa Claus
Last Saturday the girls and I went to the Junior League character breakfast. Character breakfast is a super fun event were all the Disney princesses, superheroes, Santa, etc all come in costume and eat breakfast with the children. 

Last year I didn't know that children could go in costume so Maddy went dressed in "street" clothes. Boy was she upset with me that day and she didn't forget about it either.  This year she laid out her Tinkerbell costume the night before and informed me that she was going dressed up this year. In her words "mommy it's okay that you didn't know to dress me up last year, but this year I am dressing myself."

So both girls went in "costume"... And wouldn't you know that this year most kids wore their cute Christmas clothes. Go figure. Ha. Despite the wardrobe drama the breakfast was a smash hit with both girls. Kate wasn't too sure about the "characters" but she didn't throw a fit and cry. She stuck close to me and just waved. And of course Maddy was in heaven, she had to meet every princess. And for the grand finale the kids met Santa. The picture above might be my favorite Santa picture of all time. :-)

Tinkerbell Twins