Last Wednesday night we found out that "twirling" can be dangerous. Yes, I mean the cute little ballet twirling that all 3 year old girls do in the living room is dangerous. After dinner Maddy was dancing in our living room to her new favorite song "Jumping Jack Flash", you can thank David for that. David was out walking Zack while I was upstairs changing Kate when Maddy walks into the nursery and calmly says "I think I need to go to the doctor." All I see is blood dripping from her chin. I very calmly tell her to sit down while inside I was freaking out trying to figure out what happened and where I could put Kate.
I take Maddy downstairs, she's still not crying. In fact she's almost excited. David comes home and agrees that the gash on her chin is pretty bad and needs attention. So I grab my purse, a few snacks (we could be there awhile), and Gigi and we head out to the after hours Peds office, thinking that we will probably end up at the ER for sedation and stitches. Maddy is still not crying, I think she was excited to go somewhere with Mommy without Kate.
We arrive at Peds after hours and within 10 minutes we are in a room with a doctor. The nice doctor looks at Maddy and asks "what happened?" Maddy's response is "I was dancing like a princess". Doc says "oh, are you a good dancer?" Maddy with all the attitude of a 16 year old girl looks up, rolls her eyes and says "no!" Like "well duh, obviously I am not a good dancer if I am here." We all laugh.
Luckily the cut is not nearly as bad as David and I had thought. No stitches, just a little dermabond glue and a band aid. That sounds easy enough, right? Well when it came time to hold Maddy down she got scared and started kicking and screaming. It took two nurses and mommy to hold her down while the doctor cleaned and glued the cut. I am sure the people in the waiting room must have thought she was being tortured. When it was all over she got 3 lollipops, 2 stickers, and a princess bracelet, wonder if insurance will pay for the prizes.... :-)
We were back home and ready for bed within an hour of the "twirling"... The next morning when Maddy looked at her chin she told me two things:
- "I was a very brave princess"
- "Twirling is dangerous"......